

10196 Uppsatser om Taste-based discrimination - Sida 1 av 680

Åldersdiskriminering : - är den svenska arbetsrätten åldersdiskriminerande?

Since several rules of law have a consideration of age, the Swedish labor law collides in many ways with the prohibition of age discrimination. The employment directives of EU were implemented in the member countries after the shift of the millennium. Sweden was the last member to introduce age as a ground of discrimination in its legislation. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate whether the Swedish regulations, regarding age discrimination and its application, is compatible with the EU.  The aim is also to investigate what is required to exclude the prohibition of age discrimination. The labor law provisions concerning the retirement age given in 32 a and 33 §§ LAS, priority rules according to 22 § LAS and the collectively agreed holiday benefit, which is regulated according to a worker's age, is to be investigated to see if they actually qualify for the exclusion of the prohibition against age discrimination. Furthermore, the paper intends to describe if the Swedish legislation has taken account of the research available on the subject of "age" and ?age discrimination?.

Samma rätt oavsett ålder? : En studie om åldersdiskrimineringsområdet i svensk rätt

The prevention of age discrimination in Sweden did not have any solvent grounds until directive 2000/78/EG was implemented into Swedish law. Today age discrimination has been banned for just over two years. This ground of discrimination has, compared to other existing grounds of discrimination in Swedish law, a lot more opportunities to make exceptions from. Given the fact that the exemption rules are vague, it is difficult to determine whether the protection against age discrimination is in fact a protection at all. The purpose of this essay is to describe what the law regarding age discrimination means.

När kön gick från särskild till likställd diskrimineringsgrund i "världens mest feministiska samhälle" : En diskursanalys om hur könsdiskriminering framställs i riksdagsdebatten kring förslaget om en sammanhållen diskrimineringslagstiftning

Sweden is seen as one of the world?s most feminist societies. In January 2009 all grounds of discrimination were merged into a common law; Diskrimineringslagen. This paper examines representations of gender discrimination, linked to feminist perspectives, in the Parliamentary debate on Sweden?s new discrimination legislation through a discourse analysis.

Ålder - en ny och komplex diskrimineringsgrund

Age is one of two new discriminatory grounds in Swedish law. EU took official position against age discrimination by means of Council Directive 2000/78/EC of 27 November 2000 establishing a general framework for equal treatment in employment and occupation. From January the 1st 2009 it is, by Diskrimineringslag (2008:567), illegal in Sweden to discriminate anyone based on age. The law covers all age groups and is applicable to various fields in society. Age differ from other discriminatory grounds since everyone has an age.

Alla ska bli konnässörer : Individualisering, gemenskap och svettiga hästar i Levande livet 1983-1984

A part of the Swedish TV-show Levande livet that aired between 1983 and 1984 was devoted to wine. This was the first time a wine tasting was being broadcasted in Sweden. Terms as ?sweaty horse? and ?moulded pile of leaves? ? that the wine connoisseurs Carl Jan Granqvist and Knut-Christian Gröntoft used to describe the wines ? became objects of both appreciation and ridicule. Their way of talking about wine reminds of Robert Parker?s wine language, which grew of importance from the 1970s and onwards.                      The purpose of this thesis is to try to write a history of taste.

Risken för diskriminering pga. etnicitet i samband med rekrytering

The purpose of this study is to investigate ethnic discrimination in the recruitment process. National and international law protect individuals from ethnic discrimination by potential employers during the recruitment process.Despite the laws in place to protect human rights, minorities in society do not have the same opportunities in the labor market as the rest of the population. Minorities continue to have difficulties compared to Swedish nationals in the recruiting process. Highly educated immigrants seeking employment in Sweden continue to report being treated unfairly based on their ethnic background.Ethnic discrimination in the recruiting process is based on prejudice and stereotypes that affect decisions whether it is visible or hidden, intentional or unintentional.Under the law, it is not legal to base a decision on prejudices or stereotypes. Therefore, it is important for the employer to highlight the job requirements to ensure the recruitment process is ethical.

Åldern i fokus : En studie om hur svensk rätt påverkas av EG-rättens reglering av åldersdiskriminering i arbetslivet

Sweden is a member of the European Union (EU) since 1995. The association results in considerable proportions of the European law, also called EC-law, for Sweden. The legal system has precedence above Swedish law, which forces our national court to take consideration into and interpret the law in the light of EC-law.Sweden doesn?t possess a general legislation of discrimination. An appointed committee investigates the matter and the requirement of a common law, including all discrimination prohibits.

"Men det är klart att man vänjer sig" : En undersökning om kvinnoprästers upplevelser av diskriminering inom Svenska kyrkan

The purpose of this essay is to examine clergywomen?s experience of discrimination within the Swedish church as to clergywomen?s opinions about their work and their work situation and how they handle contingent discrimination. The method used in this essay is qualitative, and in order to create an understanding of the topic we have used semi structured interviews and text analysis. Three clergywomen have been interviewed and in addition to this we have studied four clergywomen's reports to JämO regarding gender discrimination. The analysis is based upon a social constructivist perspective and Hirdman's gender system theory.

En arbetsmarknad för äldre arbetstagare? : -Om åldersdiskriminering riktad mot äldre i arbetslivet

The purpose of this essay is to examine for the age discrimination towards older people in the working life. The essay practice EU-law and national law to examine the age discrimination. It also looks for the limits towards age discrimination. A presentation of the rules will make it easier to see how employers are possible to get around the ban against age discrimination. This essay also illustrates how age discrimination emerges in recruitment processes and then how to discourage age discrimination.

Magkänsla mot matematik : Kan mekanisk rekrytering förhindra diskriminering?

The aim of this study was to investigate if a mechanical recruitment process could be a useful tool for employers to avoid discrimination. National and international law protect jobseekers from discrimination during the recruiting process. Despite this individuals frequently report that they are treated unfairly when they apply for a job. In line with this research shows that some individuals do not have the same opportunities in the labour market as the rest of the population. This study focus on discrimination based on ethnicity, age, gender or disability.Today most of the hiring decisions are based on employers professional judgement.

Form(ar) färg smakutvärderingen -En kvantitativ studie kring färg och forms påverkan på smakutvärdering

The design of packages is something that product manufacturers put great effort on. The package is often the consumers' first interaction with a product and consumers judge the product based on the package. A common way to evaluate a package design is to let respondents look at a package and answer which attributes they think the product has. This paper wants to take this evaluation a step further, i.e. it examines if consumers experience differences in taste between two identical products that have different package designs.

Förekomst av smak- och/eller luktförändringar vid antitumoral behandling med kemoterapi

Aim: The aim of present study was to determine the frequency of taste and smell disorders occuring in patients receiving chemotherapy for cancer. Methods: The study was of an empirical cross sectional quantitative descriptive design. During one month, consecutive cancer patients at outpatient units in two Swedish hospitals were asked to participate in the study by completing a questionnaire that had been developed previously for a similar study. All participants had undergone at least 1 cycle of intravenous chemotherapy or  a minimum of seven days of oral chemotherapy. Results: A total of 102 patients completed the questionnaire.

Etnisk diskriminering i rekryteringssituationer : Hur skyddet ser ut i Sverige och vad arbetsgivare kan göra för att förhindra diskriminerande rekryteringar

Ethnic discrimination is still a problem in the Swedish employment market. The Ombudsman against Ethnic Discrimination received 154 complaints relating to discrimination due to ethnicity in the working life in 2012. In addition, reported unemployment rates in Sweden differ markedly between native-born and foreign-born. The purpose of this paper is to investigate how protection against ethnic discrimination in recruitment looks like in Sweden and describe different methods an employer may use to prevent that ethnic discrimination occurs in recruitment situations. The first and second issue of the essay concern what protection there is in Sweden against ethnic discrimination in recruitment situations, based on international and national law. The traditional legal dogmatic method, which describes the valid law, is used in these sections.

Sexmånadersregelns förenlighet med EU-rätten

The purpose of this thesis was to analyse if the six month rule in chapter 3 § 9 part 1 in IL is compatible with EU law regarding the free movement of employees and in case of discrimination whether the rule can be justified. First of all the retroactive salary for an unlimited taxpayer and during the period of income earning a limited taxpayer who later became unlimited taxpayer will be analyzed in order to determine if they are considered to be in a comparable situation. An unlimited taxpayer is subject to taxation in Sweden for all of his incomes regardless their origin. However there is an exception according to six month rule, which implies that physical persons who stay abroad due to their minimum six months employment are in Sweden free from their incomes earned abroad if they are taxed in the country of employment. Tax exemption is applicable even if the payment from an employee working abroad is made retroactively.Article 18 EUFF states a general prohibition of discrimination on the grounds of nationality.

Mikrofonkonfigurationer bestående av en eller två mikrofoner vid inspelning av elgitarr

This C-essay focuses its research on the taste of guitarplaying and non-guitarplaying soundengineers, in using single or dual microphone setups when recording electric guitar. It will be shown if there is a significant difference in taste when using one or two microphones between the two testsubject groups. Two classical microphone setups have been used for the test of this essay, which includes a blind listening test. The information in this test will benefit both guitarplaying and non-guitarplaying engineers by getting greater knowledge regarding what kind of microphone setups to use for different occations. The findings in this essay show in general, that guitarplaying and non-guitarplaying engineers between the ages of 19 - 26 don?t have a specific taste between single or dual microphone setups when subjected to the blind listening test..

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